The Late Apostle Duane I. Coats, Sr. - Founder

Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Church
Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, locally, nationally and internationally. To establish worldwide fellowship through outreach missions. to train disciples of all people, nationalities and languages in Christian knowledge for effective service.

Breaking Barriers Ministries
The purpose of Breaking Barriers Ministries (BBM) is to minister the Word of God, win souls to Jesus Christ and "break" the "barriers" that keep one in bondage. The goal of BBM is to teach women to be godly wives and mothers and how to mange their time and responsibilities, so they can live a prosperous life and enjoy the benefits of God.

Darrell Brown
Darrell Brown Ministries, (DBM) is a Christ-focused worship band, whose mission is to inspire all people through the spirit of music.

Common Knowledge
Apostle Duane I. Coats Sr. is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Church located in Dumfries, Virginia. He currently serves with his wife, Pastor Jeanette Coats, where the two have served together in ministry since its establishment in 1991. A

Apostle Duane I. Coats Sr. is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Church located in Dumfries, Virginia. He currently serves with his wife, Pastor Jeanette Coats, where the two have served together in ministry since its establishment in 1991. A

Apostle Duane I. Coats Sr. is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Church located in Dumfries, Virginia. He currently serves with his wife, Pastor Jeanette Coats, where the two have served together in ministry since its establishment in 1991. A

The Freedom
Apostle Duane I. Coats Sr. is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Word of Faith Christian Fellowship Church located in Dumfries, Virginia. He currently serves with his wife, Pastor Jeanette Coats, where the two have served together in ministry since its establishment in 1991. A